Tuesday, January 1, 2008

-Let's Get this Started-

Here is to a great year!!! We are going to have a family reunion in 2008. YEAH!!!!! So I have been calling around getting information for this big event, and decided on doing a blog so everyone can enjoy seeing the progress while contributing there ideas. I have decided that we are going to have spokes people for each family. So far I have Brett and his Wife for Julia's and Rod's family. Kathy and Jenna for Russ and Janice's Family. Burton and Pat are going to take care of their family. While I believe that Kim will be taking care of Joan and Steve's family. The main e-mail will be thecahoons@hotmail.com, while the blog is the-cahoons.blogspot.com.

Here is to the first question?

What time of year would be best for everyone?

2. And where? ( Here is some idea's of places we have so far... Brett said ( delta) for that is where are parents grew some of there life. While we spoke with Steve Ames and he said we could have it on their property. There is 4-wheeling, room for parking trailers, Power, and room for tents, cool in the evening's to wear a jacket in July?? ( we will get you more information on this location. Or we can do something in the slc area.

So you can either create your own blog, and then you can comment on this blog, or you can just e-mail thecahoons@hotmail.com, then I will either post what everyone said or e-mail spokes people. Then we will decided what is best for this large of a group.


Brian and Kim said...

Looking good, Jenna!! My idea for a mid-state is a camp ground in Springville. It's the Hobble Creek Campgrounds. There is a pavillion, bathrooms, and grassy areas for playing and tenting (just bring your own equipment). You can bring tent trailers, rv trailers but there isn't any hook ups, you'll need your own generators. It's up Hobble Creek Canyon. If any of you golfers out there have played at the course up the canyon. You know how beautiful it is. I'm pretty sure Brian (my hubby) will be bringing his clubs.

Brian and Kim said...

Testing "my family" name change.